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Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This is an excellent textbook for learning about plants, animals, birds, trees and the environment. Even if you are not a biology student there is no excuse for not learning more about environmental issues, and the world that we do share with other species.

I do have a passion for wildlife, and I would love to see them continue to live in their natural habitat as long as it is safe and possible for them to do so. This book is a valuable resource that is available to help anyone aspiring to learn and to understand more about the world in which we live.

The study of biology forces us humans to recognize that we must learn how to live in harmony with the plants, animals, birds, trees lakes, rivers and the ocean too. Everything has a purpose under the sun and it is in our best interest to work with mother nature instead of having to fight against her for selfish capital gains only.

Burning down the forests, or polluting the rivers and the lakes with chemicals is harmful not only to the plants and the animal kingdom, it is also a health hazard to every living species on the planet earth. Animals in their natural habitat do have the right to live in a healthy, clean environment  just like human-beings do too. Our survival depends on it.

Listen to the messages from the forest and we can agree that humans need to pay more attention to the destruction that they are responsible for, by neglecting to clean up after themselves in a world that we all must share.

Biology is a very influential topic and this book carries the messages about nature very well.

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