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Friday, March 30, 2012
Where have all the RASTAS gone? Up you mighty race, you can accomplish whatever your heart desires.
The KING has got the heart of a lion and ever since the beginning of creation the lion proudly bears the title KING OF KINGS.
A majestic warrior, valiant and brave, none can deny that I the Conquering lion of Judah, shall forever reign victoriously over Babylon, and set all captives FREE!
Babylon, not one of my sheep shall sit in the sidewalk and beg for your bread.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Animal Farm
Book Description
As ferociously fresh as it was more than a half century ago, this remarkable allegory of a downtrodden society of overworked, mistreated animals, and their quest to create a paradise of progress, justice, and equality is one of the most scathing satires ever published. As we witness the rise and bloody fall of the revolutionary animals, we begin to recognize the seeds of totalitarianism in the most idealistic organization; and in our most charismatic leaders, the souls of our cruelest oppressors.
The animals on Mr. Jones' farm have had enough of what they deem to be slavery. They're tired of being ordered around by humans while they see no benefits in their daily work. This is all sparked by a dream that the boar, Major, had about a unique place where animals called the shots and never had to be ordered around by humans ever again. He tells them a revolution is very much needed. When Major dies, the animals act quickly and are able to overthrow the alcoholic farmer and his thugs from his very own farm. The pigs are in charge now, as they claim that they are much smarter than the others and know how to lead. What seems to be paradise quickly transforms into another form of slavery altogether enforced by propaganda and threats from the pigs. And yet, the animals do not know any better, as they are deceived by the new system that gives them the illusion that they are better off than they were with Mr. Jones calling the shots.
The book is greatly inspired by real events that went down during the era of communism in Russia, using animals as the actual people. While it helps to know about that time period, the book is written so well that it is easily understood even if you only know a little about what happened during that time. The use of animals was a very creative way to tell this story, as it gives you a big incentive to actually care for these characters. Had this just been about real people, then it would've just sounded like anything you could find in your history books. Orwell finds a much more interesting way of tackling the topic. He gives life to every one of his characters and they all elicit some kind of a feeling from you. There are times when the book is funny, and then there are times when it is just downright chilling (the last chapter will stay in your head for more than a few hours).
The book is greatly inspired by real events that went down during the era of communism in Russia, using animals as the actual people. While it helps to know about that time period, the book is written so well that it is easily understood even if you only know a little about what happened during that time. The use of animals was a very creative way to tell this story, as it gives you a big incentive to actually care for these characters. Had this just been about real people, then it would've just sounded like anything you could find in your history books. Orwell finds a much more interesting way of tackling the topic. He gives life to every one of his characters and they all elicit some kind of a feeling from you. There are times when the book is funny, and then there are times when it is just downright chilling (the last chapter will stay in your head for more than a few hours).
After reading this book let me know what you thought about it...
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
This is an excellent textbook for learning about plants, animals, birds, trees and the environment. Even if you are not a biology student there is no excuse for not learning more about environmental issues, and the world that we do share with other species.
I do have a passion for wildlife, and I would love to see them continue to live in their natural habitat as long as it is safe and possible for them to do so. This book is a valuable resource that is available to help anyone aspiring to learn and to understand more about the world in which we live.
The study of biology forces us humans to recognize that we must learn how to live in harmony with the plants, animals, birds, trees lakes, rivers and the ocean too. Everything has a purpose under the sun and it is in our best interest to work with mother nature instead of having to fight against her for selfish capital gains only.
Burning down the forests, or polluting the rivers and the lakes with chemicals is harmful not only to the plants and the animal kingdom, it is also a health hazard to every living species on the planet earth. Animals in their natural habitat do have the right to live in a healthy, clean environment just like human-beings do too. Our survival depends on it.
Listen to the messages from the forest and we can agree that humans need to pay more attention to the destruction that they are responsible for, by neglecting to clean up after themselves in a world that we all must share.
Biology is a very influential topic and this book carries the messages about nature very well.
This is an excellent textbook for learning about plants, animals, birds, trees and the environment. Even if you are not a biology student there is no excuse for not learning more about environmental issues, and the world that we do share with other species.
I do have a passion for wildlife, and I would love to see them continue to live in their natural habitat as long as it is safe and possible for them to do so. This book is a valuable resource that is available to help anyone aspiring to learn and to understand more about the world in which we live.
The study of biology forces us humans to recognize that we must learn how to live in harmony with the plants, animals, birds, trees lakes, rivers and the ocean too. Everything has a purpose under the sun and it is in our best interest to work with mother nature instead of having to fight against her for selfish capital gains only.
Burning down the forests, or polluting the rivers and the lakes with chemicals is harmful not only to the plants and the animal kingdom, it is also a health hazard to every living species on the planet earth. Animals in their natural habitat do have the right to live in a healthy, clean environment just like human-beings do too. Our survival depends on it.
Listen to the messages from the forest and we can agree that humans need to pay more attention to the destruction that they are responsible for, by neglecting to clean up after themselves in a world that we all must share.
Biology is a very influential topic and this book carries the messages about nature very well.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
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Monday, March 26, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Male assertiveness
A mild-mannered man was tired of being bossed around by his wife so he went to a psychiatrist.
The psychiatrist said he needed to build his self-esteem, and so gave him a book on assertiveness, which he read on the way home.
He had finished the book by the time he reached his house.
The man stormed into the house and walked up to his wife.
Pointing a finger in her face, he said, "From now on, I want you to know that I am the man of this house, and my word is law! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I'm finished eating my meal, I expect a sumptuous dessert afterward. Then, after dinner, you're going to draw me my bath so I can relax. And when I'm finished with my bath, guess who's going to dress me and comb my hair?"
"The funeral director," said his wife.
My Rules
Typical macho man married typical good-looking lady and after the wedding, he laid down the following rules:
"I'll be home when I want, if I want and at what time I want-and I don't expect any hassle from you. I expect a great dinner to be on the table unless I tell you that I won't be home for dinner. I'll go hunting, fishing, boozing and card-playing when I want with my old buddies and don't you give me a hard time about it. Those are my rules. Any comments?"
His new bride said, "No, that's fine with me. Just understand that there will be sex here at seven o'clock every night.. whether you're here or not."
Social Security
A retired gentleman went to the social security office to apply for Social Security.
The woman behind the counter asked him for his driver's license to verify his age. He looked in his pockets and realized he had left his wallet at home. He told the woman that he was very sorry but he seemed to have left his wallet at home. "I will have to go home and come back later." The woman says, "Unbutton your shirt." So he opens his shirt revealing curly silver hair. She says, "That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me" and she processed his Social Security application.
When he gets home, the man excitedly tells his wife about his experience at the social security office. She says, "You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability too."
Friday, March 23, 2012
Lawn Care
9 Steps to a Lush Lawn
By: Sal Vaglica, This Old House magazine
- Test Your Soil
A soil test takes the guesswork out of lawn care, giving you precise measurements of pH as well as the quantity and availability of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus (home kits are usually reliable for pH only). Contact a cooperative extension service to conduct the test; they cost around $20
- Fertilize
There's no one-size-fits-all formula for springtime—it all depends on the soil and the type of grass you have. Your soil test will offer tips on what amendments to add, or take the results to a gardening center and get their advice. Opt for a slow-release, organic fertilizer, and apply it to the outer edges of your lawn, then cover the middle, overlapping each pass by a few inches. You may have to mow more frequently afterward, since you're adding nutrients at a time of rapid growth.
- Watch Your Calcium Intake
Up to 90 percent of common lawn weeds are linked to a lack of calcium in soil. Ideally, you should have a calcium-to-magnesium ratio of 7 to 1. If yours falls short of that target, spread high-calcium lime over your lawn, which will boost its ability to absorb nitrogen and synthesize proteins, robbing weeds of food.
- Add Organic Matter
Early-season grass benefits from added compost, whether you make it yourself or get it from your home center or town. Apply a ½-inch layer over your lawn and rake it into the surface. Finished compost should smell earthy and slightly sweet; avoid using compost that's still steaming, which indicates it's not fully decomposed yet. One yard (or 27 cubic feet) will cover 600 square
- Stop Crabgrass In Its Tracks
Crabgrass germinates when the soil temperature reaches about 56 degrees F, which happens in mid-April in many regions. Wait until your soil reaches this mark for a few consecutive days, then apply a pre-emergent herbicide (or use corn gluten if you prefer a natural product, available at Bradfield Organics. Crabgrass doesn't grow well in the shade, so you don't need to add chemicals in well-shaded parts of your yard.
- Pull Up Weeds
Ever notice that weeds pop up right after a spring rain? That's your cue to pull them—if they're small and the soil's moist, they should come out by hand.
- Get Your Mower in Shipshape
Dull mower blades tear off grass rather than cutting it clean, leaving ragged tips that invite disease to set in. Holding the blade in a vise, sharpen it with long, smooth strokes using a Dremel blade sharpener or a 10-inch bastard mill file, following the manufacturer's instructions for the proper angle. During the growing season, sharpen the blade after you've used your mower for about 8 to 12 hours.
- Let the Grass Grow...a Little
Your grass might be as short as a putting green, but don't keep it that way. Let it grow to a length of about 3 to 3½ inches, and maintain that height all season. This lets the grass blades shade out weed seeds, and in the summer it shades the soil, reducing evaporation. Come fall, you can go back to cutting it short—weed seeds aren't as abundant then, and evaporation is less of a concern. Two exceptions are Bermuda and seashore paspalum grasses, found in the South, which can be kept at a height of 3/4 to 1 inch.
- Get Your Sod On
If you're starting a lawn from scratch, April is the month to lay down sod, when it's cooler and there's time for the grass to take root. Ask your seller for grass that suits your yard's conditions, whether sun, shade, or a combo. Sod should be fresh when you lay it; beware the rolls that have been sitting outside for a while. Prepare to water, water, water when it's installed. Your garden center can recommend an appropriate schedule.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Insomnia Overview
Most adults have experienced insomnia or sleeplessness at one time or another in their lives. An estimated 30%-50% of the general population are affected by insomnia, and 10% have chronic insomnia.
Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both" or the perception of poor quality sleep. Insomnia may therefore be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. Insomnia is not defined by a specific number of hours of sleep that one gets, since individuals vary widely in their sleep needs and practices. Although most of us know what insomnia is and how we feel and perform after one or more sleepless nights, few seek medical advice. Many people remain unaware of the behavioral and medical options available to treat insomnia.
Insomnia is generally classified based on the duration of the problem. Not everyone agrees on one definition, but generally:
- symptoms lasting less than one week are classified as transient insomnia,
- symptoms between one to three weeks are classified as short-term insomnia, and
- those longer than three weeks are classified as chronic insomnia.
Statistics on InsomniaInsomnia affects all age groups. Among adults, insomnia affects women more often than men. The incidence tends to increase with age. It is typically more common in people in lower socioeconomic (income) groups, chronic alcoholics, and mental health patients. Stress most commonly triggers short-term or acute insomnia. If you do not address your insomnia, however, it may develop into chronic insomnia.
Some surveys have shown that 30% to 35% of Americans reported difficulty falling asleep during the previous year and about 10% reported problems with long standing insomnia. There also seems to be an association between depression, anxiety, and insomnia. Although the nature of this association is unknown, people with depression or anxiety were significantly more likely to develop insomnia.
Insomnia Causes
Insomnia may be caused by a host of different reasons. These causes may be divided into situational factors, medical or psychiatric conditions, or primary sleep problems. Insomnia could also be classified by the duration of the symptoms into transient, short-term, or chronic. Transient insomnia generally last less than seven days; short-term insomnia usually lasts for about one to three weeks, and chronic insomnia lasts for more than three weeks.Many of the causes of transient and short-term insomnia are similar and they include:
- Jet lag
- Changes in shift work
- Excessive or unpleasant noise
- Uncomfortable room temperature (too hot or too cold)
- Stressful situations in life (exam preparation, loss of a loved one, unemployment, divorce, or separation)
- Presence of an acute medical or surgical illness or hospitalization
- Withdrawal from drug, alcohol, sedative, or stimulant medications
If you are having trouble sleeping try reading a
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Healthy Habits
An apple for the teacher is a nice way of saying thanks for the many hours spent in the classroom with your many adopted children. Sir, because of your wise instructions I learned the importance of Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic at an early age.
I had so much fun learning about the birds and the bees and my one, two, threes that I lost track of how quickly time passes by. Sure enough school was out for the summer, and I had no choice but to do problem solving on my own.
Even so, I am very grateful that Physics and Mathematics have enabled me to develop some great problem solving skills. I have had to figure out that doing homework meant non-stop household chores, and problem solving exercises meant going to the gym in order to kick ball chain and settle the score with the battle of the bulges.
I just wanted to say thank you much for caring.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Nearly 90% of plastic water bottles are not recycled, instead taking thousands of years to decompose. Buy a reusable container and fill it with tap water, a great choice for the environment, your wallet, and possibly your health. The EPA's standards for tap water are more stringent than the FDA's standards for bottled water.
There are 63 million newspapers printed each day in the U.S. Of these, 44 million, or about 69%, of them will be thrown away. Recycling just the Sunday papers would save more than half a million trees every week.
Have a no-bath week, and take showers instead. Baths require almost twice as much water. Not only will you reduce water consumption, but the energy costs associated with heating the water
It's good for the air, the land, can shade your house and save on cooling (plant on the west side of your home), and they can also improve the value of your property.
Make it meaningful for the whole family and plant a tree every year for each member.
Every two minutes you save on your shower can conserve more than ten gallons of water. If everyone in the country saved just one gallon from their daily shower, over the course of the year it would equal twice the amount of freshwater withdrawn from the Great Lakes every day
Consider the amount of pollution created to get your food from the farm to your table. Whenever possible, buy from local farmers or farmers' markets, supporting your local economy and reducing the amount of greenhouse gas created when products are flown or trucked in.
Adjust your thermostat one degree higher in the summer and one degree cooler in the winter. Each degree celsius less will save about 10% on your energy use! In addition, invest in a programmable thermostat which allows you to regulate temperature based on the times you are at home or away
Always turn off incandescent bulbs when you leave a room. Fluorescent bulbs are more affected by the number of times it is switched on and off, so turn them off when you leave a room for 15 minutes or more. You'll save energy on the bulb itself, but also on cooling costs, as lights contribute heat to a room.
If you must water your lawn, do it early in the morning before any moisture is lost to evaporation. Have a few weeds? Spot treat them with vinegar. Not sure if you should rake? Normal clippings act as a natural fertilizer, let them be. If you've waited too long, rake by hand — it's excellent exercise.
Not only are you extending the life of your vehicle, but you are creating less pollution and saving gas. A properly maintained vehicle, clean air filters, and inflated tires can greatly improve your vehicle's performance. And it might not hurt to clean out the trunk—all that extra weight could be costing you at the pump
The cost of processing a paper ticket is approximately $10, while processing an e-ticket costs only $1. In the near future, e-tickets will be the only option, saving the airline industry $3 billion a year. In addition to financial savings, the sheer amount of paper eliminated by this process is commendable.
Each year 15 billion batteries produced and sold and most of them are disposable alkaline batteries. Only a fraction of those are recycled. Buy a charger and a few sets of rechargeable batteries. Although it requires an upfront investment, it is one that should pay off in no time. And on Christmas morning when all the stores are closed? You'll be fully stocked.
By turning off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 watt-hours per day. That adds up to 4 cents a day, or $14 per year. If you don't want to wait for your computer to start up, set it to turn on automatically a few minutes before you get to work, or boot up while you're pouring your morning cup 'o joe.
Recycled glass reduces related air pollution by 20 percent and related water pollution by 50 percent. If it isn't recycled it can take a million years to decompose.
15. SHARE!
Take what you've learned, and pass the knowledge on to others. If every person you know could take one small step toward being greener, the collective effort could be phenomenal.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Whitney Houston

It is always a sad moment when a loved one passes on, and they are no longer with us. It doesn't matter if it's a relative, a close friend, a co-worker, or our favourite artist. The results are always still the same and we miss them dearly.
In the case of Whitney Houston, even though the music industry, her family, friends and her fans still mourns for her, at least she was able to leave behind a collection of her greatest hits for the many to enjoy. This is a treasure that we all just can't afford to miss out on.
Whitney Houston is a gifted artist that is gone from amongst us in this life, but her music still lives on, and she can never be replaced nor forgotten. To the many Whitney Houston fans out there who can appreciate and share her gift of music, now is the time to show how much she really means to you by purchasing some if not all of her greatest hits. For unbeatable prices the price is always right at
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Lions of the West
About the Author
ROBERT MORGAN is the author of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, most notably his novel Gap Creek and his biography of Daniel Boone, both of which were national bestsellers. A professor at Cornell University since 1971 and visiting writer-in-residence at half a dozen universities, his awards include Guggenheim and Rockefeller fellowships and an Academy of Arts and Letters Award for Literature. He was inducted into the North Carolina Literary Hall of Fame in 2010. Find him online at
From cover to cover this book is so interesting that it leaves the reader satisfactorily wanting for more. It is very inspiring and is higly recommended as a must read. Lions of the West looks at the lives of ten prominent Americans and their contributions to the American story and the battles for the west. Without telling too much about the story I am inviting everyone to read Robert Morgan's book in order to find out why his fans believe that he is such an excellent author.
Order this book on a kindle device or at
Friday, March 16, 2012
Collectors item
For great entertainment that is always fun to watch over and over at your own convenience I recommend that you watch these DVDs. TV shows like Sanford and Son is a pleasant reminder of the good ole days when television was the only stay at home entertainment available for most people. Comedy is always a fun and laughter experience whenever Fred Sanford is allowed to tell about his heart attack the Big One.
These DVD's are now considered to be prime collectors item and they are worth having in order to compliment any library. Get it while supplies last or before they're all gone.The complete series can be purchased online at
For great entertainment that is always fun to watch over and over at your own convenience I recommend that you watch these DVDs. TV shows like Sanford and Son is a pleasant reminder of the good ole days when television was the only stay at home entertainment available for most people. Comedy is always a fun and laughter experience whenever Fred Sanford is allowed to tell about his heart attack the Big One.
These DVD's are now considered to be prime collectors item and they are worth having in order to compliment any library. Get it while supplies last or before they're all gone.The complete series can be purchased online at
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Money Plant
What is a Money Plant?
A money plant tree is a wonderful and beautiful plant that has an interesting history and a wonderful story to it. It is a great plant that is generally found indoors. It has a braided trunk and it’s long, green, shiny leaves are very attractive.
The plant is said to bring luck and good fortune to it’s owners. Check out Money Tree Feng Shui to find out how it is utilized by those who practice feng shui.
The money tree gift is a thoughtful gift that shows those you love just how much you care and hope they have a happy and successful future.
So, when you are wondering, “what is a money tree plant?”, the answer is that it is a wonderful, beautiful, good-luck charm!
There was a poor Taiwanese farmer who was down on his luck. He prayed for help with his finances. One day, when he went out to the fields, he noticed a new and unusual plant. He decided that it must be sent down as an answer to his prayers. So, he took the plant home and began to spend a lot of time nurturing and taking care of it. He was able to sell it’s seeds and nuts. He also grew more of these plants and sold them as well. Soon, his money troubles were over. That is why this plant is called the Money Plant. It is believed to bring wealth and good fortune, just as it did to the poor farmer.
The story of the tree traveled to other countries. In China, it is given as a gift for the Chinese New Year. They follow a lunar calendar. So, the tree is given with the new moon on the first day of the new moon.
Here, in the United States, it is widely used as a gift. It is hoped that it will bring prosperity to the new owner.
Money Tree Care
Money tree care instructions couldn’t be easier. This is the perfect plant for a beginner.
It can be grown indoors. It can also be grown outside in some of the warmer regions as long as it doesn’t sit through a hard frost. Here are some basic money tree care instructions:
The plant requires plenty of sunlight. However, be careful not to let it get too hot during the hot summer months. If you have it sitting near a hot window, move it away after a couple of hours.
Water your plant and let it dry between waterings. If the leaves curl, you are watering too much. If the leaves become dry, you are not watering enough. Water it as soon as the soil is dry to the touch. Do not wait too long or the plant will die.
The money tree needs moist, frost-free conditions to grow.
When you first get home with your plant, it may go through a period of adjustment where it does not look so good. Do not give up on it. Care for it as though it is thriving.
When it comes to soil, this plant can be picky.
These plants hate being in the path of a strong air conditioner or heater. Be careful where you place it.
Money tree care does not need to be overwhelming. Just follow a few simple rules and familiarize with your plant. You will be rewarded with a flourishing beauty!
Best Money Plant
A money plant is a wonderful plant. If you receive one of these, it is a wonderful blessing. Although all money plant’s are great, is there a Best Money Plant?
The answer is yes, there is a best money plant tree.
So, what is the best money plant?
"It is a live tree that is cared for and has six or seven leaves."
Does your plant have only five leaves?
Don’t despair! This is still a plant that will bring you wealth, luck and good fortune. Take care of it.
Money Tree Gift
Giving a money tree gift is a very popular and thoughtful choice. Not only is this plant a very beautiful addition to a home or office, is is said to bring good fortune and prosperity to it’s owner. It is popular to buy a money tree for any one of these occasions and more:
a wedding
an anniversary
new home
new business
Remember, adding one of these trees to your business or room will bring prosperity, wealth and more. It provides great beauty and benefits with very little care. That is why the money tree gift is a perfect one
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Dalmatians Story
Every dog has his day. 101 Dalmatians is a must see for all dog lovers. Make my day!

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